Caylen has always believed in angels and their power to support and help us on our journey here on Earth. She began her own spiritual journey in strengthening her intuition and working with her spirit guides and angels by reading and attending workshops with world renowned psychics and healers such as Sonia Choquette and Doreen Virtue.

She began to discover how easy life became when she was able to tap into her guidance and listen to her body. She was particularly drawn towards angels and completed her Angel Therapy Practitioner® with Doreen Virtue in June of 2011. Attending this course was like going home and meeting her soul family. She found meeting her fellow classmates was not “Hi nice to meet you” it was “Nice to see you again.” Since completing her certification, she has been working with clients to help them connect and hear their angel team and the gentle, loving guidance that they have for them.

Caylen’s passion is working with children as she believes that if we nurture their intuition and spiritual gifts from the beginning we can truly develop the loving, supportive and peaceful planet that we desire. She is currently working on a variety of programs and projects for children that will help parents/ adults to nurture this in their own children.

Caylen believes that we all have the ability to connect with and hear the messages from the angels, but that we all need a little help and guidance once in a while to get us there. Angels are our own cheerleading squad, there to support and guide us, we just need to ask!

Caylen offers Angel Therapy®, Dream Interpretation, and Akashic Record readings through her home office in Calgary, Alberta.


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