Angel Therapy Reading
Akashic Records
Dream Interpretation
Perfect Alignment Energy Clearing
Chakra Clearing
Flow of Love Healing Energy Session
Smudge Sticks – White sage & Desert sage 
Angelic Rollerbottle Blends
Learn to Read Your Angel Cards Course
The Art of Smudging Online Course
Journey through the Chakras

More details on each of these below

All prices are in USD.

Angel Therapy® Reading

Angel Therapy® readings are an opportunity to connect with the Angels, Archangels and your team of Guardian Angels to hear the messages and guidance they have for you. Clients may have specific questions or may wish to receive a general reading hearing the messages the Angels have them in that moment. Readings will aid clients in achieving clarity and direction in their lives.

60 min session $155
30 min session $75
15 min session $45

Yearly Package (12 months of consecutive Angel Readings)

12 – 30 min sessions – $750

12 – 60 min sessions – $1550

Readings are conducted by appointment in person, by phone or Zoom. 

Akashic Records Reading

The Akashic Records are a “database” that contains information about each soul and its journey throughout all it’s lifetimes. “It is a “soul blueprint” of everything the soul has ever thought, said or done – as well a its future possibilities.” (Linda Howe)

Accessing your records can provide guidance, clarity and information about your soul’s journey, recurring patterns and how to change them, past lives, action steps to achieve what you want, barriers on your journey and how to overcome them. They differ from an Angel Therapy® Reading in that we are accessing a higher dimension of energy known as the Universal Mind or Divine Universal Consciousness, working with your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

60 min session -$180

Yearly Package (12 months of consecutive Akashic Records Readings)

12 – 60 min sessions – $1800


Perfect Alignment Monthly Clearings with Essential Oils

Align and shift with the energy of the month in these monthly clearing sessions. Tuned into the energy of the month, through the use of essential oils we move you into perfect alignment. Applied on specific points on the body, in your own personal session, I will guide you through the application process while supporting you energetically to move things out as needed and bring you into a space where you can make the most of the energy of the month.

$55/ monthly session (without oils, if you have the oils needed for the clearing already, to be confirmed prior to clearing session)

$75/ monthly session (includes oils to do the clearing)

Gift yourself all 12 monthly clearings for:

  • $500 (you already have the oils needed)
  • $750 (includes oils needed)

April’s Clearing – Resilience

Essential Oil Clearings April 2022

Tap into your inner strength and Divine essence, bringing it forth and encompassing you like armour. Completely wrapping you in it’s embrace and fortifying it’s power. Only in resilience can you face fear fearlessly and step forth knowing that no matter what comes across your path, you can handle and rise up above for your highest good. ❤️

Chakra Clearing

chakra clearing

The chakras are 7 energy centers of spiritual power in the body which energy flows through. When a chakra is imbalanced or blocked this can lead to a variety of discomforts and illnesses in the body. It also prevents us from living in the flow of life and being able to live our true purpose. A chakra clearing with the assistance of essential oils will remove energy blocks or imbalances in the body and restore the body chakras to alignment, making them fluid and open so that everything will move and flow. Using essential oils in this process will not only support the opening and balancing of the chakras but also support physical ailments and spiritual growth. Each chakra works best with a specific oil and will be placed on the area of the chakra during your clearing – $180

Flow of Love Healing Energy Session

Flow Of Love SM
Are you ready to transform and change your life? Have you been feeling stuck in a certain area (or areas) of your life and you just can’t get it to shift or move no matter what you try?
I can help. What if I told you that I can assist and support you to finally move that out? To bring you into a space where you feel lighter, freer and that issue resolved so that you can finally resolve this move forward. What would that be like?

I would like to invite you to a Flow of Love healing session, where we work together to clear those energetic blocks or thought patterns, any muck that is stagnating your system and inhibiting flow, inhibiting this space to clear and move it out! This session incorporates a few pieces and I love and guide you every step of the way – $800

  • An initial 1 hour consult
  • Regular check ins
  • Up to 3 remote healing sessions

Bonus with this Healing Package:

  • Perfect Alignment Energy Clearing for the month

Aromatouch Massage

Experience Aromatouch SM

Aromatouch is a technique of layering specific essential oils on the body, and hand techniques that reset the body and bring it back into homeostasis – supporting and resetting the body’s natural healing system to kick in. It is lovely and relaxing as well. *not available at this time due to self isolation

$80 – 45 minute session
$120 – mobile session (I come to you in the comfort of your own home)


Reiki is a Japanese healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It treats the whole body not only the physical, but mental and emotional bodies as well. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress; if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. It is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self improvement that is beneficial to everyone.

30 min session -$75
60 min session -$150

Packages – give yourself the gift of regular balancing and healing

3 – 30 min Reiki sessions – $210

3 – 60 min Reiki sessions – $425

Smudge Sticks

sage sticks

Lovingly handcrafted sage sticks for smudging your home, office or personally to clear negative energies and restore balance. Choose from White Sage or Desert Sage.

Desert Sage has a sweeter smell and is more powerful in clearing spiritual entities – $15 each

White Sage has a herby fresh smell and is very cleansing – $15 each

Shipping available

Angelic Rollerbottle Blends

Angelic Connection Blend

Open up and enhance the connection to your Angels with this rollerbottle blend. This blend supports you in opening up and trusting your own intuition, to tune in and strengthen your ability to connect with the Angels and trust more and more in the messages that you are receiving. 

Honoring the Divine Feminine Blend

Reconnect and rediscover the Divine Feminine energy. Enhance this sacred energy in you and bring her essence and frequency more into your life.

Vision 2020 Blend

Tune into your Vision with this rollerbottle blend. This blend will help you to know & identify what your vision is and take inspired action to bring it to fruition. It will support you to see clearly what needs to be done, giving you the confidence to do so.

Loving Connection Blend

This blend supports creating more love and connection with yourself. It helps to open up the heart, creates a sense of purpose and belonging, connection and compassion for oneself. It also empowers you, and supports you self acceptance and confidence in oneself. 

Angel Parties

An Angel Party is an opportunity for an evening spent with friends where each guest receives a 15 minute reading. Guests pay $45 each for their readings. The host receives his/ her reading for free or may apply the $45 towards a longer, private reading set up by appointment for another date.

Angel parties are held in the comfort of the host’s home. No alcohol is served during Angel parties as this alters the atmosphere and the receptivity of the guests. And yes! you can do this online.

Dream Interpretation

Dreams are another way that we receive guidance. Never literal in meaning, dreams are very significant and contain messages and information that will aid us in our lives. A Dream Interpretation session will assist the client in clarifying symbols, what these messages are and bring confidence and a sense of peace to what may be a puzzling or disturbing or recurring dream.

Classes & On line Workshops


Healing with the Angels Challenge

Angel Cards 101 

Full Moon Meditation & Ritual

Tapping into Your Intuition

Learn to Read Your Own Angel Cards Online

The Art of Smudging

Journey through the Chakras

angel card class photo

Angel Oracle Cards 101 (Live Zoom class)

This introductory, in person class is for those interested in learning how to read their own angel cards for themselves or others. This class will teach you:

• how to prepare yourself and your cards for a reading

• provide accurate readings for yourself or others

• tapping into your own intuition, Angels and psychic ability

• how to interpret the meanings of the cards

• gain confidence and clarity in your reading abilities

• basic card layouts for doing readings

$45 per person

Next class: TBA

*Host your own Angel Card Class in the comfort of your own home via Zoom (this means you can invite your friends even if they aren’t in the same location). Have a minimum of 4 people attending and I’ll come to you! Contact me to set your date.

Learn to Read Your Angel Cards Online Course – Register here –


Payments for all services are accepted through Email Money Transfer or Paypal. Cash is accepted for in person readings.


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